Monday, September 28, 2015

Fresh Wheat Grass

Wheat Grass - The panacea on earth

It was way back when  I was a teenager, that , unlike what most boys of my age would have liked to do, and curiously so , saw something fascinating in the Naturopathy as a way of living. Curiosity got so heightened that I eventually decided to take a course in the discipline, trained under Shri Ganesh Sharma from Puthokotai-TN. Eventually I was told that I had qualified to be practitioner, which of course, a line that I never pursued. 
It was then that I learnt about wheat grass, eulogised as panacea on earth.
This is a good read. I have seen it used for several years, in the case of my sister who was a cancer patient. It is difficult to say whether it contributed substantially to her cure but we know it helped to keep her immunity levels up and the blood count recovery faster. It saw her live through  another 25 years after the first occurrence of the dreaded disease. It Helped in good measure, that I know.

I also recall that when I used to the VP , Operations for Foodworld Supermarkets Limited, Bangalore, I had introduced it in the stores in packets. At the Jayanagar store in Banglore, a lady would buy it every day. At the end of two months she showed me the results of her sugar level tests, which had improved substantially, her insulin doses were reduced.

It has always been my endeavour to get wheat grass everyone - healthy or ailing. The best results are when it is harvested live, and processed through a wheat grass juicer (now available in India online). But even without that it can be just chewed and swallowed or just run in a mixie. 

So when I started an online grocery store in Gurgaon, now moving to NCR, I developed a few reliable suppliers of the same, and made them grow it in a tray. Today the 25th of Sept 2015, there was the first order for wheat grass, which was carefully door delivered. I am delighted. I would like the  to say not " we sell" but "we care".

I hope more and more people will see the benefits of wheat grass and  I will be happy to deliver.
live wheat grass

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